On a few occasions I've been asked when I thought the best time was to come to Korea to teach English. As I'm older than the vast majority of foreign ESL teachers here in Korea, I have a slightly … [Read more...]
Archives for June 2012
Judo Tournament in Busan, South Korea
I had the opportunity to watch an incredible judo tournament held in Busan, South Korea, where I currently live and teach English. The event was held in the Gudeok Sports Arena and attracted well … [Read more...]
Income and Expenses of an ESL Teacher in South Korea
Before I came to Korea, I always wondered what the real financial situation would be like. I heard varying stories, but by and large I always heard that people could live cheaply and save some … [Read more...]
Science, Art and Math in English – S.A.M. I Am
Today was the last Saturday class for the semester for a new program called SAM (Science, Art and Math in English). Recently, the BMCOE (Busan Metropolitan City Office of Education) ended regular … [Read more...]
Teaching English in South Korea – what is it REALLY like?
I am closing in on my one year mark teaching English in South Korea. It's mid June (2012) now, and the contract year will end in August (2012). While I've been here, I've tried to capture many of … [Read more...]
Exam Week Means Easy-ish Week
This week has been exams week for the students. Just like last semester, the exams week means two things. Exausting first half of the week. Cake the second half. The first half od the week is … [Read more...]
How to Get Your Passport, Visa, and Criminal History for Teaching in Korea
Many people have questions about the processes for obtaining your passport, Visa, and Criminal Record Check in order to travel abroad to teach English. For those interested in coming to Korea, I try … [Read more...]
Improving Relationships at Your School
I'm closing out my first year teaching ESL in Busan, South Korea. I've been really blessed to have a great group of people to work with at my school. However, not all teachers can say the same … [Read more...]
Renewing EPIK Contract to Teach Another Year
It's hard to believe that's it's been close to 10 months now teaching English in South Korea. The time has literally flown by and I don't know where it went. It's been an incredible time of … [Read more...]
Alien Bees and Deadly Force in Korea
For those of you thinking teaching English in Korea will be a sane and organized experience all the time should watch this video. My morning math class quickly took a turn for the worse on this … [Read more...]