
Renewing EPIK Contract to Teach Another Year

renewing-EPIK-contractIt’s hard to believe that’s it’s been close to 10 months now teaching English in South Korea.  The time has literally flown by and I don’t know where it went.  It’s been an incredible time of learning, reflecting and great experiences.  Not to mention new friends that will last a lifetime.  Because of all the free time I have, I’ve been able to do things, see new places, and experience things not available back home.  The longer I stay though, the more it seems I want to do but the time is quickly fleeting.  That’s why I decided to stay at least another year.

In this short video clip from my Youtube channel, I describe the things you will need should you choose to renew your contract as well as the benefits of staying.  If you haven’t yet come to Korea – you’re missing out and I hope to see you here.  If you’re staying, great move.  Here’s to another great year!

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