
A Lunar New Year’s Feast for the Homeless in Busan

Back home in Florida I would often volunteer at homeless outreaches that my church supported. There was a large one in Ft. Lauderdale that was jointly supported by the city and our church. Reaching … [Read more...]

The Baby Box – Disabled Orphan Drop Off in South Korea

It's not all exotic food, beautiful temples, and glitzy K-Pop in the ROK. South Korea is no different than any other nation in the world in this way. It's made up of people. The broad spectrum of … [Read more...]

Volunteering at Korean Orphanages

There are so many things to get involved with while teaching English in Korea.  Sometimes though, it's a great and rewarding idea to give back in some way so it isn't always about ourselves.  If … [Read more...]

Ministering to the Homeless in Busan, South Korea

Homelessness in Korea It can't always be about yourself.  I've always had a heart and calling for the homeless no matter where I was.  Not only are we commanded to care for the poor, but it is … [Read more...]