
Teach English in Korea…When Should I Do It?

On a few occasions I’ve been asked when I thought the best time was to come to Korea to teach English.  As I’m older than the vast majority of foreign ESL teachers here in Korea, I have a slightly different perspective than most on that topic.  I decided the best way to answer this question was to make a vlog.

The bottom line is, there is no “correct” time to travel abroad.  I think if you get the feeling to travel, just do it!  One year will go by quicker than it begins.  The biggest question is ,”what will you make of the time once you get here?”



  1. Avatar Anonymous says:

    dont want to be a smart ass, but youre an efl teacher (also called a nset, native speaking english teacher). esl teaching occurs in a country where english is the primary language.

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