This is a very common question I've received on many occasions... I speak English and I even have a degree in English, but I'm not from America or the U.K. Can I get a job teaching ESL in Korea? The … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2014
I Speak English. I’m Not American or British…Can I Teach English Abroad?
“I’m Not White and Korea Won’t Hire Me!”
This is a touchy subject. At the same time though, it's just reality. In the Korean ESL job market for private academies, or hagwons, there's a lot of negative press. And for good reason. You don't … [Read more...]
Reliving Korea’s Tumultuous History at the Korean War Memorial
There are many museums to see in Korea. In fact, sometimes I feel like it would be an impossible dream to be able to see them all. All kinds of historical museums, art museums, memorials, etc. are … [Read more...]
When is the Right Time to Leave Korea?
I've been teaching in Korea for three years as I write this. I'm living what many people look forward to or can only dream about. So many look for adventure after college and find Korea to be a great … [Read more...]
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Korea: Art of the Morning Calm
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is arguably the hottest martial art right now, with it's growth outpacing all others. This is for good reason; it's popular in the Ultimate Fighting Championships, is a highly … [Read more...]