As I am sitting here writing this blog, my arm is slowly returning to a normal color. Fleeting are the days of tie-dye skin tone and a swollen Popeye-sized forearm. What am I rambling about? Yet … [Read more...]
Get to the Point – Acupuncture in Korea Works!
About a month ago I went and did something that I thought was going to be a great idea, but it was DUMB! I went and trained with a collegiate judo team here in Busan at Dong-eui University. Now to … [Read more...]
Come to Korea – Break a Leg
Sometimes I simply don't listen to my body talking to me. "The mind is willing, but the flesh is weak". Sometimes I forget that father time is always at work and will backhand you just to remind you … [Read more...]
Teaching MATH in English When I’m Sick
Ten Saturdays per semester I am part of a new EPIK program called SAM (Science, Art, and Math in English). It's a very new program since the removal of standard Saturday classes in Korea. For SAM, I … [Read more...]
Being Sick in Korea is Brutal
Being sick in Korea is actually one of the highlights of this endeavor. Why? Because whatever I normally got sick with back home seems to be amplified here. I heard about this before coming and I … [Read more...]
Medical and Dental Costs are Very Cheap in Korea
Having been in Korea now for about 14 months, I've had to visit the doctor on a few occasions. Two of them were for minor surgeries. The first one left me simply amazed at the low cost of medical … [Read more...]
Korea Q&A: Racism, Girl Judo, Meds, CRC, Typhoons
Taking a few to answer some questions and comments I've received from my YouTube channel and blog. Thanks to those who wrote them into me. Kayla Harrison World/Olympic … [Read more...]