What a difference a year can make. That's what I keep telling myself. One single year can take one's life and transform it into a completely different creature. So many people take one single year … [Read more...]
Korea Attractions: Jagalchi Fish Market Walking Tour
Busan is like a former NBA basketball player named Scott Pippen. Do you know who he is? If you're a basketball fan from the 1990s then you will know who I'm referring to, otherwise you probably have … [Read more...]
5 Korean Convenience Store Ice Cream Bars
Korean ice cream cones are not hard to find in convenience stores. Convenience stores in Korea are not any different than back home. They are filled with countless items, mostly food, and are on every … [Read more...]
ESL Teachers: Signs You’re Doing Better Than You Think
I recently came across an awesome blog post from Thought Catalog by Brianna Wiest called 20 Signs You're Doing Better Than You Think You Are. In my opinion, this post was about fulfillment as much as … [Read more...]
What I Miss Most About Korea (and I’m still here!)
I have been living in Korea for exactly four years now. It’s an amazing experience that has helped me to grow as an individual in many ways. Living in another country has forced me to break many of … [Read more...]
Will You Hate Teaching English in Korea?
You haven't been out of America before? Never left your small town or even the safe confines of your parent's home? Take it from me, someone with 4 years in the game, you're probably going to hate … [Read more...]
22 Things To Do in Tokyo, Japan
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62MyzIA8Jh8 I came up with 3 Ps to describe Japan – more specifically, Tokyo. And they are “precise, pristine, and polite”. As a young, fanatical judo guy back … [Read more...]
A Lunar New Year’s Feast for the Homeless in Busan
Back home in Florida I would often volunteer at homeless outreaches that my church supported. There was a large one in Ft. Lauderdale that was jointly supported by the city and our church. Reaching … [Read more...]
3 Years. 7 Photos. Constructing the Lotte Mall Gwangbok in Busan, South Korea (2012 – 2015)
I've been in Korea for longer than I initially expected to be. Sometimes I lose sight of how long it's been. Every once in a while I'll have a conversation with someone that reminds me of how long … [Read more...]
The Cambodia Vacation Blog: There Are Many Like It, But This One Is Mine
I was reminded this winter vacation why teaching abroad is such a cool, and great thing. Very few jobs or "careers" permit the time or prompt one to travel to another country on their vacation. It's … [Read more...]