
How to save money in Korea

“It’s not how much you make, it’s how much you SAVE.”

At least that’s how the saying goes. As an expat English teacher in South Korea though, this couldn’t be truer. Interestingly enough, you will either walk away from Korea with a surprising amount of money, or you’ll feel like it was wasted time. The amount of money you earn is not epic, but considering the nature of the job, the freedoms of being a teacher, and being able to experience another country it’s a generous notion.

Learning how to cut your expenses will help you accentuate the fact that you will be tax-exempt (for U.S. citizens), have a FREE apartment, and travel to and from your destination on Korea’s coin. Not to mention receive bonuses at the end of it all.

Managing expenses can be very easy as an expat in Korea, but at the same time a few careless moves can wipe out your momentum – so be careful!

Find out how I do it. I share some of the money saving tips and tricks I employ to maximize my income and exchange it to home currency to make it all icing on the cake.

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