
2nd Dan Judo Certification in Korea

2nd Dan from the KJA I've been training at a local judo school since I arrived in Busan in August of 2011.  I really wanted to receive a certification from the Korea Judo Association, more … [Read more...]

Bloodsport in Busan: Road FC MMA Event

MMA is making it to Korea in a big way.  It's making it's way to Busan too.  If you follow the sport, you've likely heard of Kim Dong Hyun, the "Stun Gun".  He's one of the top UFC fighters in the … [Read more...]

Finding a BJJ or MMA School in Korea

A friend of mine recently wrote an article which is an evolving list of BJJ and MMA schools in Korea - from Seoul to Busan.  MMA and BJJ are not as well known in Korea as back home, but it's changing … [Read more...]

BJJ in Korea: Barbosa Academy of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Martial arts is everywhere in Korea.  There is no style that you can't find.  Though I've been training mostly at my local judo school, I've had many opportunities to venture out to visit the premier … [Read more...]

Learning Korean: Allow Myself to Introduce … Myself

Growing up in New Hampshire there was really no need to learn to speak the Korean language.  There are no Koreans there!  Being the youngest of three boys, by the time I came around my mother had … [Read more...]

Taejongdae Park (태종대공원) in Busan

Taejongdae lighthouse scene Taejongdae Park is located not far from my neighborhood in Yeongdo-gu, Busan - an island right off the tip of Busan next to Nampo-dong shopping district.  Yeoungdo … [Read more...]

Busan Museum (부산) South Korea

Although it's not the most fun and exciting attraction in Busan (not that museums are ever categorized as "exciting"), the Busan Museum ( has been one of the best outings … [Read more...]

Ministering to the Homeless in Busan, South Korea

Homelessness in Korea It can't always be about yourself.  I've always had a heart and calling for the homeless no matter where I was.  Not only are we commanded to care for the poor, but it is … [Read more...]

So Much Free Time

When/if you come to Korea to teach English, you will quickly find that you have tons o' free time.  Long evenings, vacation, breaks, etc.  You'll wonder where the work comes in.  Wait, … [Read more...]

UN Memorial Cemetery – God Bless America!

The UN Memorial Cemetery ( is one of the most memorable sites in Busan that I've been to so far.  The cemetery, dedicated to the international soldiers who gave their lives in … [Read more...]