Just last week I had to review and sign the “Regulation of GET’s Duties” document for my second year of teaching at my school. In this document are all the details of an English teacher’s roles and responsibilities, including behavior deemed appropriate and professional (and vice versa). The document is maybe 12-15 pages long and is split into several “articles”, different sections dealing with each subject.
I thought it was very interesting that near the beginning of the document, in Article 3, was a section that consisted of only one brief statement, but one that I feel is the single most important detail of an English Teacher’s duties. The article reads…
The GET (Guest English Teacher) should perform one’s duties with sincerity.
I really believe this is the single most important detail in the entire document. It’s also the most important thing to keep in mind as you think about coming to Korea, or even if you’re here already teaching. Sometimes, this experience does not turn out as well for some as for others. The thing to keep in mind is that while we are here, we should try to approach teaching with sincerity. To give a meaningful effort all the time. Teaching English to young kids who by and large cannot speak English can be a challenging thing. Challenging in that it is hard to keep a positive attitude the entire time. Even the best of us go home sometimes frustrated and exhausted. I know I have.
More important than the details of the roles and responsibilities is the need to approach teaching English to Korean students with sincerity. I’m glad this was included in the document. I know it is something I will take to heart going forward.
Heeere’s the VIDEO!