
Cool New Doo

I’ve always been a little bit of a plain Joe when it comes to style.  I’m not drab by any means, but I definitely don’t keep up with all the styles in clothes and hair like some may.  However, I was recently approached by my senior co-teacher who mentioned my mop was getting, well, moppy.  So she offered to take me to the hairdresser her husband goes to.  I wasn’t sure what to expect, but my co-teacher was saying a lot of stuff, making a lot of motions with her hands to the hairdresser the whole time.  By the time the ordeal was over, I was pleantly surprised to see I actually had a cool new doo.  I never really had a hair “style” before so this was a first.  I felt like I was ready for some K-Pop.  In any event, I will go back to see this hairdresser when I get moppy again.  Well, here are some snaps my co-teacher took with her cell.  Happy clipping…

So cool…so stylish…!

I’m so…happy.

And here’s what it looks like when an unstylish dud gets his hands on it each morning.  It’s all in the wrist.

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